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Native vs cross platform app development , which one should I choose?

There are a lot of factors that come into play when it comes to choosing between Native & cross platform app development for your business. Before we dive into the answer, let’s know the difference between Native & Cross-platform applications. Native application is about making applications specifically for a particular platform. Native applications are developed with programming languages that are specific to a particular platform. Cross platform applications are applications that are built for multiple platforms, i.e, iOS & Android. It is built with programming languages that are readable by multiple platforms. PROS OF NATIVE APPLICATION Better Performance Native applications are built for a specific platform. This enables it to make use of all the functionalities of that specific platform. For example, Android has certain functionalities that iOS doesn’t have. If you make a native application for Android, then the native application would be able to make use of all the functionalities provided by Android which makes the application perform better. Better Security Cross platform app development involves multiple layers, languages and technologies. Applications are more prone to security risks when they have multiple layers & languages. A native application is less risky because it’s built on fewer layers & languages. Better user experience Native applications have a faster response time, consume less battery power and also support better UX (user experience) design. A combination of all those factors gives the user a better experience. CONS OF NATIVE APPLICATION High Cost The main disadvantage when it comes to Native Application is the cost of development. If you want to develop your native application for both iOS & Android, then you would need to develop the application for both of these platforms separately.  In the literal sense, you are making the same application twice. Hence the cost of development and maintenance of a Native application is very high. 2. Longer time to market With cross platform application, you can target users from multiple platforms at once. With a Native application, you can only target users from a specific platform. Hence, the time taken for your application to be popular among the users is lengthier than cross platform applications. PROS OF CROSS-PLATFORM APP DEVELOPMENT Less costly Unlike a native application, a cross platform app development is less costly. A cross platform application is capable of running on multiple platforms. Hence, you don’t need to develop and maintain your application on multiple platforms individually. Faster Development time Native applications are built separately for different platforms. Cross platform application’s development time is reduced as they’re built individually for multiple platforms. Less time to market Users from many platforms uses cross platform applications. This makes the audience size of cross platform application bigger than the audience size of native applications. Hence, the time for your application to become popular among the users greatly reduces. CONS OF CROSS-PLATFORM APP DEVELOPMENT Poor Performance Since the languages and the tools used are not specified for a particular platform, the performance delays more than a native application. Poor user experience Cross platform application  has a longer response time, consumes more battery and has basic UX design. A combination of these factors makes the user experience poorer compared to native applications. What should you choose? There are various opinions to that question. Personally I think that it really depends on the goals of a business. Native application would be better if its goal is to focus more on the user experience above anything else & cross platform app would be better if businesses goal is to lowering down their costs. Click the link of to know more about native vs cross platform differences. Visit SOFTFY TECHNOLOGY. if you want your own native or cross platform application. They’re mobile and web application developers who can help you develop your application at 50% lower than your market price.

BMW builds its own Flutter Mobile App, “MY BMW”

In a recent article posted by automotive world on 0ct 20,2021, it said BMW built its own flutter mobile application called “MY BMW.” This Flutter mobile app has launched in 40 countries worldwide & BMW plans to expand it. My BMW app is using the most advanced and latest location services provided by “HERE Technologies,” the leading location technology platform. This dynamic flutter mobile app gives it’s customer the ability to get information about their car’s status, location, 3D view, unlocking doors and many more. HERE SDK is a group of programming interfaces developed by HERE Technologies and they provide some of the best location related services into your mobile apps, for example, in-vehicle route, traffic cautions, travel data and fleet management features. In addition to this, the HERE SDK gives overall vector maps in more than 190 nations and in 60 dialects with enhanced guide information size to limit download dormancy and to give quick reaction times while as yet scaling to a serious level of constancy. The 4.x version is the newer update of the SDK HERE application and this was the version used by BMW Group to make their flutter mobile application.This version is available for Native Android & iOS and also has the options for being developed as a cross-platform application with flutter. The HERE SDK 4.x version comes in four different editions from which the HERE SDK 4.x explore edition enables support for multiple map view instances, allows for controlling draw order of map layers, 3D camera control and provides an integrated tool chain for map customization to deliver a personal and branded map experience. FAQ What is a flutter mobile app? Flutter is an open source UI software kit that Google developed. Furthermore, Flutter can develop cross-platform applications for both iOS, Android, windows, linux and more. Hence when we develop a mobile app using flutter, we usually refer to it as a flutter mobile app. How to run flutter mobile apps on the web? Run flutter create which will start the web directory Click on the index HTML file from your web directory. Select Chrome as the device. Hit run Do you want your own flutter mobile app for your business?  Click “here” to know more about how we can help you with your own flutter mobile app. For more information: For more information, visit Website Link: Or you can reach us directly at Phone: +8801835539553 Email:

5 reasons for outsourcing software development projects

Outsourcing software development projects is a practice that is being adapted by many businesses throughout the world. Whether it be a web application or a mobile application, outsourcing such software projects is the new norm.   There are numerous reasons for “WHY SHOULD BUSINESSES OUTSOURCE THEIR PROJECTS.” So without further ado, let’s dive right into the 5 reasons why I think businesses should consider  outsourcing their project. Cost Saving: First and the most obvious reason to partner with an outsourcing software development company is because it helps you save cost. When you outsource your project, you don’t need to invest on hiring multiple expensive in-house developers as we all know finding an all in one developer is impossible to find but rather you can outsource your project to an established organization who can develop the software on your behalf for a much lower cost. Saving time: If you think that software development is not your forte, then you can save a lot of time & money outsourcing your project and focus on the things that your business is specialized at. Risk diversify: Outsourcing software development projects helps to diversify risk. Especially for start-up companies, hiring multiple developers is highly unlikely going to be possible for them. Hence the possibility of making a mistake in one area or another of the  software project is great. Outsourcing your project helps to diversify such risks. Maintaining quality: Harnessing the power of outsourcing software development projects can help you maintain your software’s quality. If your employees aren’t qualified enough, then outsourcing your project to other expert organizations would be the most logical option if you want to maintain quality. Focus: Last but not least, outsourcing software development projects helps your business to maintain its focus on the important things. For example, a business might actually need more clients hence their ideal focus should be on doing exactly that which is getting more clients. Hence, outsourcing is a good way to get your business focusing on what truly matters. To know more about the importance of outsourcing, click here So, do you have a software project in your hand but don’t have the time or expertise to develop. Worry not, just contact us and we will get it done for you. For more information, visit Website Link: Or you can reach us directly at Phone: +8801835539553 Email:
